All-Time Overall Match Winners at Shortgrass (Top Ten)
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There have been 419 Matches since the Club's Inception in 1999.
This is a list of All-Time Overall Top Ten Match Winners.  This information will be continously monitored and brought up-to-date on a bi-weekly basis.  It's imperative to regularly view and Congratulate Shooters as they reach various milestones.  

Doc "Goose" Terwilligher, the All-time Leader with exactly ninety-one (91) Overall Wins and here he is graciously schooling a young lad on the fine art of Cowboy Action!!

l.  Goose Terwilligher                    91

2.  Redleg Reilley                          62

3.  Texita Draw                             64

4.  TombstoneTodd                       44

5.  Rooster McBee                         42

6.  Aberdeen                                 16 

7.  Boots Fits                                 15

8.  Ft. Worth Dallas                        12

 9.  Tinsleep                                   11    

10.  Doc Brazos                                6

  One-Handed Shooters (Duelist, Classic Cowboy and Gunfighters) ranked as leading this category since 1999.

1.  RB Rooson                               89

2.  Tinsleep                                   30

3.  Hondo Tweed                           28

4.  Capt. Hebe Missing                  26

5.  Cabrito Joe                               25

6.  Chavez y Chavez                      22

7. Cimmaron Scribbler                  12 

8.  Nick Cisco                                11

9.  Mojave Wood                             8

10.  Gol' Durn Varmint                    8


TINSLEEP is the ONLY DUELIST Shooter to ever WIN an Overall Match!!

RB Rooson FORMERLY of the Shortgrass Rangers, now gracing the Cowboy Scene in Wisconsin!! Can you believe RB has 3 Overall Match Wins in the "Badger State"? But then again, everybody is 70 yrs plus and only shoot once a month!

Why shoot like a cop.....when you can shoot like a Cowboy?